Rabu, 04 April 2012

" Tugas Online Mata Kuliah Tehknik Supervisi"

Nama : Sandy
Jurusan : D4-Hotel Management
NIM : 2011145002

          A. Tips Mendisiplinkan Karyawan
1--Jangan menegur tanpa persiapan.

Anda harus memiliki alasan dan informasi yang akurat. Tanpa itu, anda akan dianggap berlaku semena-mena. Segera setelah anda mendapatkannya, tentukan waktu dan tempat untuk membahas masalah ini. Namun jangan mencari-cari kesalahanorang lain hanya karena anda merasa ingin menegur.

2--Tegur segera setelah terjadinya pelanggaran.

"Tempalah besi selagi panas". Jangan habiskan waktu untuk mencari semua bukti. Ini bukan sidang pengadilan yang mengancam pesakitan masuk penjara.
Asal anda memiliki alasan dan informasi yang akurat, ditambah keyakinan diri, maka sudah cukup untuk menegur. Tugas anda adalah meluruskan perilaku.

3--Lakukan secara pribadi.

Jangan wakilkan pada orang lain. Berbicaralah empat mata. Dari pribadi ke pribadi, namun jangan masukkan ke dalam hati. Pilihlah tempat yang melindungi privacy. Bersikaplah profesional. Jangan buat ia merasa dipermalukan di depan orang lain.

4--Berikan teguran dalam keadaan tenang.

Tenangkan diri anda. Jangan menegur dalam keadaan penuh emosi. Kemarahan malah bisa memperburuk keadaan. Orang akan lebih mempercayai anda bila mereka merasa anda sedang berusaha menolong.

5--Fokuskan pada persoalan.

Bahas perilakunya, bukan orangnya. Sebagai contoh, jangan katakan, "Kamu terlambat lagi. Kamu malas." Namun katakan, "Keterlambatan anda sungguh tak bisa diterima." Selain itu, jangan campur adukkan dengan hal-hal lain yang tak anda sukai dari orang itu. Fokuskan pada kesalahannya saat itu. Tak perlu mengungkit-ungkit yang sudah lampau. Ini bisa memberi kesan anda seorang pendendam.

6--Berilah kesempatan pada mereka untuk mengutarakan persoalannya.

Galilah inti permasalahannya. Dengarkan baik-baik agar anda bisa mencari pemecahan bagi dirinya. Sekali lagi, tunjukkan sikap untuk menolong mereka, bukan menghukum mereka.

7--Sampaikan apa yang anda inginkan dan nasehat.

Orang perlu jalan keluar. Jangan cuma menegur, berikan nasehat dan upaya perbaikan. Beritahu apa yang anda inginkan. Jangan biarkan mereka melakukan kesalahan lagi hanya karena mereka tak tahu apa keinginan anda.

8--Buatlah komitmen perbaikan bersama

Tunjukkan kepercayaan, bahwa anda dan dia bisa memperbaiki keadaan lebih baik. Tentukan batas waktu. Akhiri prosedur pemberian teguran ini dengan salin pengertian dan tak menimbulkan konflik berkepanjangan. Segera lupakan bagian-bagian "keras" yang mungkin terjadi selama pembicaraan. Lebih lanjut, carilah kesempatan agar anda bisa melihat perbaikan yang dilakukan.

9--Tegakkan peraturan dengan bersikap konsisten, tegas dan adil

Teguran akan berdampak lama bila anda bersikap adil dan tegas pada seluruh karyawan. Bila anda hanya menegur orang-orang tertentu, sedangkan orang lain yang juga melakukan kesalahan mendapat teguran, maka anda akan dicap tidak adil dan pilih kasih.

B.                               B.     Disiplin Salah satu Faktor Keberhasilan
Sukses adalah hasil dari berbagai aspek seperti kerja keras, kepandaian, rencana dan pelaksanaan yang hati-hati, serta, sedikit keberuntungan. Di samping itu, sukses juga ditentukan oleh displin atau tidaknya seseorang meraih segala sesuatu dan ‘meletakkan sesuatu di tempat yang layak’.
Tanpa disiplin, seseorang tak akan mampu menyelesaikan segala apa yang telah direncanakannya. Dia tak akan mampu melakukan sebuah strategi secara berkesinambungan untuk meraih tujuan jika tidak punya disiplin. Disiplinlah yang membuat kita berada on track, tak peduli seberapa berat yang dihadapi. Orang yang disiplin tahu apa saja yang perlu dilakukan dan berfokus pada hal itu.

1. Dimulai pagi hari
Sebetulnya, disiplin tidak usah dibicarakan terlalu muluk. Secara sederhana, sejak pagi dimulai, kedisiplinan tanpa sadar sudah menyertai. Bangun pukul sekian, mandi, kemudian berangkat dari rumah, adalah contoh kecil tentang disiplin.Banyak orang sukses akan setuju bila faktor disiplin disertakan sebagai salah satu resep keberhasilan mereka. Bila kita bangun dengan kaki yang salah misalnya, sebagai akibatnya kita merasa tidak enak badan, bisa dipastikan bahwa hari itu kita akan lebih tidak produktif ketimbang hari-hari di mana segala sesuatunya berjalan lancar.Kiat penting untuk mengoptimalkan pagi hari adalah dengan membuat semacam rutinitas kecil. Bangunlah di waktu-waktu yang sama – misalnya pukul 5-6 pagi (bukannya bisa bangun jam lima, bisa juga jam sepuluh nanti), dan kerjakan hal-hal kecil yang efisien, seperti menyiapkan pakaian, atau memanaskan mobil, dan sebagainya. Jangan lupa pula sarapan pagi untuk memberi energi.

2. Optimalkan waktu kerja
Disiplin tak terlepas dari optimalisasi waktu kerja. Kalau di waktu kerja kita cenderung bermalas-malasan, menunda pekerjaan, dan sebangsa, kapan kesuksesan itu bakal muncul? Singgah saja pun jangan-jangan tak sudi.Untuk itu, agar kedisiplinan kita berjalan teratur, buatlah daftar tugas setiap hari. Kita bisa membaginya dalam beberapa periode, tergantung dari rutinitas atau proyek yang sedang dikerjakan.Dengan menuliskan manajemen waktu, kita bisa membayangkan segala tujuan, dan kemudian mengukur efisiebsi kerja kita sendiri. Selain itu, kita juga bisa tahu sebanyak apa kerja yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan suatu proyek tertentu. Dengan melihat hasilnya, kita juga bisa tahu apakah target yang kita tentukan itu gagal atau tidak. Kalau iya, apakah hal itu disebabkan rencana yang tidak layak, atau karena terinterupsi oleh orang lain, atau karena kita sendiri yang tidak disiplin mengerjakan tugas sesuai jadwal.

3. Seberapa lama ketahanan tubuh ?
Setiap orang tentu punya ketahanan tubuh yang berbeda-beda. Ada orang yang tahan bekerja di depan komputer sampai 8-10 jam, ada juga yang tidak. Ukurlah hal ini, lalu terapkan pada daftar tugas.Misalnya, kalau kita tahu bahwa kita cuma tahan bekerja selama lima jam saja pada hari Jumat – karena harus ke mesjid atau kita sudah terlalu bosan di kantor, maka optimalkan saja kerja lima jam itu. Jam kerja lainnya kita isi dengan kegiatan yang menghibur. Sebab, kalau dipaksakan bekerja sampai 10 jam misalnya, tapi hanya dengan 50% kapasitas kita, itu cuma buang-buang waktu.

4. Pikiran sehat terdapat dalam tubuh yang sehat
Ini sudah jelas ada dalam buku sekolah anak SD. Dan tak usah diperdebatkan lagi, bila kondisi fisik kita prima, kita juga akan bekerja lebih baik ketimbang ketika kita sakit. Karena itu, jagalah selalu kesehatan.

5. Seimbangkan kerja dengan hiburan
Catat bahwa kerja hanyalah satu bagian dalam hidup kita. Bila kita meninggalkan kantor, tinggalkan. Jangan bawa dalam pikiran kita, karena seharusnya bagian lain dalam hidup kita yang mengambil alih. Untuk itu, cobalah berdisiplin untuk membagi segala sesuatunya dengan layak.
Sukses bukan cuma di karir saja, tapi dalam kehidupan pribadi kita sendiri. Di sinilah disiplin mengelola hidup kita akan memberikan hasil. Percayalah, hidup ini jauh lebih bermakna ketimbang sekadar mencari uang.

C.      Contoh kedisplinan dalam organisasi

Apa jadinya jika kedisiplinan dalam sebuah organisasi itu banyak dilanggar? Secara singkat kita bisa menjawab bahwa dalam organisasi tersebut nanti akan terjadi kesemrawutan di internal organisasi sendiri dan sudah bisa dipastikan bahwa kalangan eksternal organisasipun akan melihat organisasi tersebut tidak sehat. Dan akhirnya organisasi tersebut kurang disegani dan untuk mendapatkan relasi kerjasamapun nantinya akan terhambat dan munculah berbagai hambatan yang lainnya dalam organisasi tersebut.
Sebelumnya kita harus ingat bahwa Organisasi merupakan wadah sebuah kelompok yang mempunyai anggota dimana mereka mempunyai tujuan yang sama dan mempunyai aturan-aturan yang musti harus dipatuhi oleh para anggotanya. Jadi bisa dikatakan bahwa nama baik sebuah organisasi itu tidak hanya bergantung dari satu orang yang tergabung dalam organisasi tersebut katakanlah seorang pemimpin organisasi tersebut misalnya. Namun semua anggota yang ada disana juga mempunyai andil dalam membangun organisasi tersebut.

Kedisiplinan dalam organisasi akan terbangun bukan hanya membutuhkan satu orang anggota saja yang menjalankan aturan-aturan dalam organisasi. Akan tetapi memang untuk membangun kedisiplinan organisasi itu harus juga diawali dari masing-masing individu dari anggota yang tergabung dalam organisasi itu.
Satu yang perlu diingat bahwa didunia ini tidak ada satu orangpun yang sempurna jadi wajar jika tiap orang itu mempunyai kesalahan yang bisa dikatakan melanggar kedisiplinan organisasi. Akan tetapi kewajaran kesalahan itu juga ada batasnya bukan menjadi kebiasaan masing-masing individu untuk terus-menerus melakukan kebiasaan buruknya yang nanti akan mengangcurkan organisasi tersebut. Nah untuk itu untuk membangun kedisiplinan organisasi itu mesti dimulai bersama-sama dari semua anggota organisasi tersebut tapi juga membutuhkan orang yang memanagement jalannya kedisiplinan organisasi.

Untuk bisa menjalankan kedisiplinan dalam organisasi itu membutuhkan sanksi indisipliner. Sanksi indisipliner itu dilakukan untuk mengarahkan dan memperbaiki perilaku pegawai atau anggota organisasi tersebut bukan dimaksudkan untuk menyakiti individu. Tindakanindisipliner hanya dilakukan pada pegawai yang tidak dapat mendisiplinkan diri, menentang/tidak dapat mematuhi peraturan/prosedur organisasi. Melemahnya disiplin kerja akan mempengaruhi moral pegawai maupun pelayanan secara langsung. Oleh karena itu tindakan koreksi dan pencegahan terhadap melemahnya peraturan harus segera diatasi oleh semua komponen yang terlibat dalam organisasi.

Prinsip-prinsip Disiplin  

       Pemimpin mempunyai perilaku positif
Untuk dapat menjalankan disiplin yang baik dan benar, seorang pemimpin harus dapat menjadi role model/panutan bagi bawahannya. Oleh karena itu seorang pimpinan harus dapat mempertahankan perilaku yang positif sesuai dengan harapan staf.

 Penelitian yang Cermat
Dampak dari tindakan indisipliner cukup serius, pimpinan harus memahami akibatnya. Data dikumpulkan secara faktual, dapatkan informasi dari staf yang lain, tanyakan secara pribadi rangkaian pelanggaran yang telah dilakukan, analisa, dan bila perlu minta pendapat dari pimpinan lainnya.

Pimpinan harus peka terhadap pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh bawahan sesegera mungkin dan harus diatasi dengan cara yang bijaksana. Karena, bila dibiarkan menjadi kronis, pelaksanaan disiplin yang akan ditegakkan dapat dianggap lemah, tidak jelas, dan akan mempengaruhi hubungan kerja dalam organisasi tersebut.

  Lindungi Kerahasiaan (privacy)
Tindakan indisipliner akan mempengaruhi ego staf, oleh karena itu akan lebih baik apabila permasalahan didiskusikan secara pribadi, pada ruangan tersendiri dengan suasana yang santai dan tenang. Kerahasiaan harus tetap dijaga karena mungkin dapat mempengaruhi masa depannya.

  Fokus pada Masalah
Pimpinan harus dapat melakukan penekanan pada kesalahan yang dilakukan bawahan dan bukan pada pribadinya, kemukakan bahwa kesalahan yang dilakukan tidak dapat dibenarkan.

Peraturan Dijalankan Secara Konsisten
Peraturan dijalankan secara konsisten, tanpa pilih kasih. Setiap pegawai yang bersalah harus dibina sehingga mereka tidak merasa dihukum dan dapat menerima sanksi yang dilakukan secara wajar

Tindakan disipliner ditetapkan apabila seluruh informasi tentang pegawai telah dianalisa dan dipertimbangkan. Hal yang menjadi pertimbangan antara lain adalah tingkat kesalahannya, prestasi pekerjaan yang lalu, tingkat kemampuannya dan pengaruhnya terhadap organisasi.

 Mengandung Nasihat
Jelaskan secara bijaksana bahwa pelanggaran yang dilakukan tidak dapat diterima. File pegawai yang berisi catatan khusus dapat digunakan sebagai acuan, sehingga mereka dapat memahami kesalahannya.

 Tindakan Konstruktif

Pimpinan harus yakin bahwa bawahan telah memahami perilakunya bertentangan dengan tujuan organisasi dan jelaskan kembali pentingnya peraturan untuk staf maupun organisasi. Upayakan agar staf dapat merubah perilakunya sehingga tindakan indisipliner tidak terulang lagi.

  Follow Up (Evaluasi)
Pimpinan harus secara cermat mengawasi dan menetapkan apakah perilaku bawahan sudah berubah. Apabila perilaku bawahan tidak berubah, pimpinan harus melihat kembali penyebabnya dan mengevaluasi kembali batasan akhir tindakan indisipliner.
Untuk membangun kedisiplinan organisasi sendiri ada beberapa tahapan yang harus dijalankan. Yang pertama melalui teguran lisan. Teguran ini dimaksudkan agar anggota organisasi tidak melakukan kesalahannya berulang kembali. yang kedua, adalah teguran dalam bentuk tertulis. Hal ini dilakukan jika peringatan pertama tidak diindahkan atau kesalahan pegawai atau anggota diulang kembali. Jika sudah dilakukan perinngatan kedua pegawai atau anggota organisasi tersebut masing mengulangi kesalahan yang sama maka tindakan ketiga atau yang terakhir harus dijalankan.
Tindakan ketiga adalah skorsing terhadap orang tersebut. Skorsing sendiri diambil harus melalui rapat pimpinan organisasi tersebut bersama pengurusnya. Skorsing sendiri wujudnya bisa bermacam-macam berdasarkan tingkat kesalahan yang dibuat anggotanya. Bisa menggunakan metode mutasi, penurunan pangkat, pemotongan gaji maupun Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK).

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Task of Management

Jurusan: Hotel Management

Answer No.1:
                The conclusion of the reading is meant as a leader hvasi weshould all be able to govern, lead, motivate all employees so thatall the objectives of a company / organization can be achieved. In addition A leader must also be able to provide a good exemplarof its employees to be applicable to all these good qualities at work everyday.

Answer No.2:
            This definition of leadership, I think, captures the leadership essentials of inspiration and preparation. Effective leadership is based upon ideas, but won't happen unless those ideas can be communicated to others in a way that engages them.
Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration and director of the action. He is the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and leadership skills that makes others want to follow his direction.
In business, leadership is welded to performance. Those who are viewed as effective leaders are those who increase their company's bottom lines.
To further confuse the definition of leadership, we tend to use the terms "leadership" and "management" interchangeably, referring to a company's management structure as its leadership, or to individuals who are actually managers as the "leaders" of various management teams.
I am not saying that this is a bad thing, just pointing out that leadership involves more. To be effective, a leader certainly has to manage the resources at her disposal. But leadership also involves communicating, inspiring and supervising - just to name three more of the primary leadership skills a leader has to have to be successful.
Is a leader born or made? While there are people who seem to be naturally endowed with more leadership abilities than others, I believe that people can learn to become leaders by improving particular leadership skills.
Answer No.3:
                Duty seems old-fashioned these days. You hear few people talk about it, but it is vital to leadership from within. Duty is a concept that says people have an obligation to behave in particular ways and undertake tasks because of an allegiance to something greater. One might feel a duty to family or friends, to an entity, or to an idea. The exact nature of an obligation isn't as important in this case as the necessity of fulfilling it.
                You can't lead from inside an organization if all that motivates you is your own self-interest. You can't dismiss self-interest, but, really, there are better and more efficient ways of serving it. And you can't lead inside an organization if you feel no bond to it and its mission. If you do have the connection, then you are acting from duty, which is something you can practice in many ways under different circumstances.
It's necessary to remember why you do something if you are actually to accomplish it. You can easily lose your way, winding up doing something completely different that doesn't really achieve what you wanted in the first place. Act from duty, though, and you keep the fundamental principle before you.

                Be Committed

Acting from duty also isn't enough without commitment. It is one of the most common human traits to begin something and then, for whatever reason, to give up — usually while telling yourself that it's either not your fault or fooling yourself into thinking you accomplished what you wanted to. Listen to others and to yourself and hear the excuses. Don't beat yourself (or others) over this because it is part of human nature. To lead, however, you need to get beyond the willingness to give up. You must insist on doing what you have said you will do. Duty may support the end, but commitment is about the means and the process — the journey. You can't lead if you don't want to go where you must or if you aren't willing to keep putting one foot in front of the other. This is why duty and commitment are crucial.
Don't Wait for Others
People often abdicate their own responsibility and look to those in power instead. They assume the person in charge will take care of all the problems. But a funny thing happens. When you wait for the powers that be to ride in like the cavalry, they never show up. Ironically, that's largely because those authorities can't make things better. At best, they can rally others and help channel their help into useful action.
As you can see, the powers that be are actually highly dependent on all the other people in the organization. You wait for them, but in reality, they wait for you. It's a circle that can keep you chasing your own tail for years. The only way out is to become a leader by doing. When you stop waiting for others, they may find that you're the one they've been waiting for, giving you more freedom than you might think.
Must Do
It seems clear that if you're going to become a leader from within an organization, you need to take action. It's not enough to want to take action. You have to know that you need to take action.
People don't act without reason. What compels them may be selfish or selfless. They may work from intellectual curiosity or emotional fervor. Their motives might be well thought out or they might come on utter impulse. The one constant is that there is something they want. If they wanted nothing from the situation, they would do nothing.
You need a must, an imperative that comes from your belief in the goals or principles or even possibilities of the organization. It's good if you have personal reasons as well, but only if they augment the desire to help the group in its endeavors. If you act solely from your own desires, then you won't be leading. You'll be running a con job to get what you want — and people will know it.
When you act from something higher, however, you offer inspiration and vision because you are connecting action with principle, and that is motivation. You're offering an opportunity to experience something that is rare in the world. That's a big reason why people respond. They want a taste of that in their lives.
Answer No.4:
                The three major styles of leadership are:

  • Authoritarian or autocratic
  • Participative or democratic
  • Delegative or Free Reign
Although good leaders use all three styles, with one of them normally dominant, bad leaders tend to stick with one style.
If i am a leadership i will use

This style involves the leader including one or more employees in the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Using this style is not a sign of weakness, rather it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect.
This is normally used when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts. Note that a leader is not expected to know everything — this is why you employknowledgeable and skillful employees. Using this style is of mutual benefit — it allows them to become part of the team and allows you to make better decisions.

In this style, the leader allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. You cannot do everything! You must set priorities and delegate certain tasks.
This is not a style to use so that you can blame others when things go wrong, rather this is a style to be used when you fully trust and confidence in the people below you. Do not be afraid to use it, however, use it wisely!

NOTE: This is also known as laissez faire (or lais·ser faire), which is the noninterference in the affairs of others. [French : laissez, second person pl. imperative of laisser, to let, allow + faire, to do

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011


 Nama: Sandy
NIM: 2011145002
Jurusan: Hotel management

Front Office is the mirror of quality hotels for the first time
for guests upon entering a hotel, for the readiness, alertness,
accuracy and the ability of all employees in the front office
in carrying out the functions of duties and responsibilities is
decisive in giving the impression good or less good or
poorly on the guests the hotel before the guests get
service and the experience of others when they come to
whether or not to stay at a hotel. Remember there is a boost of motivation
a slogan for the front office staff as follows: "WE DO
OUR GUESTS "(We never get a second chance
to give a good impression to our guests).
Hotel front office (front office) is operationally related
with guests and work area not far from the lobby, the areas most
bustling to and fro his guest, and therefore this section referred to as
the front office. Hotel front office is one part of
The most important hotel in terms of realizing the objectives to be
achieved by the hotel. The purpose of the hotel's front office is as
the following:

a. Increasing the occupancy rate of hotel rooms as well as revenue
year to year
b. Increase the number of guests subscriptions
c. Meet the needs and satisfaction of guests in good, proper and
quickly to the guest
d. Forming a positive image of the hotel

Hotel front office has a function in realizing the goal of
hotel, the function is performed by officers of the front office daily,
As for these functions are:

a. Selling rooms, activities undertaken include: receiving
room reservations, guest registration, room block
b. Provides information on all products, facilities, services
and activities at the hotel and outside the hotel
c. Coordinate to other relevant sections in order
meet the wishes of guests and providing services
d. Report the current status of rooms
e. Notes, check payments and handle guest accounts
f. Creating a report by the hotel dibutuhan
g. Provide telecommunications services to guests
h. Providing services of luggage room
i. Resolving guest complaints

Besides having an important function, the front office also plays an important role
in terms of hotel service and achievement of objectives of providing
service expected by guests, forming the image of the hotel and
the maximum revenue. Role, among others:
a. Giving information
Front office clerk is expected to provide information
clear, correct and fast about the products, facilities, activities,
service at the hotel or outside the hotel, the information
given not only limited to guests but the information
needed by colleagues / other colleagues.
b. The seller (sales person)
Front office clerk required to have soul to sell, in addition to
because the primary function of selling hotel products, this section is
part that is often associated directly with the hotel guests.
c. management representative
Front office clerk in certain circumstances may play a role
as a representative of management to address / solve the problem
arising out of hours management
d. data storage
The source data comes from many hotel activities report made
by front office personnel and data storage are also in
the front office, therefore the data created and stored
must always be current, so that management can make decisions
and appropriate policies for the future
e. diplomatically
Front office clerk in certain circumstances be expected
able to act diplomatically so that it can
maintaining good relationships with guests and other parties.
f. problem solver
Front office clerk is expected to solve problems
experienced by the guests, not least the problems stemming from the
g. PR
Officials in both the front office role, active in
associated with the guests and the surrounding community in order to place
harmonious relationship and impact on image formation
A good hotel

Here is Front Office Organization chart:


Housekeeping departments (housekeeping) consists of sections.
In each section the duty and function of each.
In performing its duties, the section that there should be intertwined
good cooperation. With the coordination and cooperation
A healthy then it will be able to create a dynamic working atmosphere
and conducive.
In general, the Department of Housekeeping (housekeeping) have
function to maintain the cleanliness, neatness and completeness kamarkamar
guests, restaurants, bars and public places in hotels
including places for the employees except the kitchen (kitchen).
Departments (Housekeeping) in addition to housekeeping functions
above also has a function to keep the age of equipment and supplies
owned by the hotel to the fullest.
Housekeeping departments (housekeeping) consists of sections.
In each section the duty and function of each.
In performing its duties, the section that there should be intertwined
good cooperation. With the coordination and cooperation
A healthy then it will be able to create a dynamic working atmosphere
and conducive.
In general, the Department of Housekeeping (housekeeping) have
function to maintain the cleanliness, neatness and completeness kamarkamar
guests, restaurants, bars and public places in hotels
including places for the employees except the kitchen (kitchen).
Departments (Housekeeping) in addition to housekeeping functions
above also has a function to keep the age of equipment and supplies
owned by the hotel to the fullest.

Here is Housekeeping Organization chart:


The biggest income from the management of a hotel is
sales rooms, and the second largest revenue is the sale
food and beverages, whether sold in a restaurant outlets
owned by the hotel and food and beverage sales
through room service (room service) implementation of the provision and
processing, presentation and sale of food and beverages are in
under the responsibility of the Division of Food and Beverage / Food and
Beverage Division. If we needed any sort of hotel guests
in addition to stay and rest by providing rooms
comfortable and clean with a quick and precise service, the provision
food and beverage service at the hotel is a must
so that guests can stay comfortable and enjoyable at the hotel
them. In star hotels we encountered some very general
restaurant and bar that opened for the benefit of hotel guests, but
today many hotel restaurants in the hotel visit
also by customers who aim only to enjoy food
sold in the hotel restaurant for example, lunch time,
dinner and for other purposes related to the service
food and beverages. In addition to increasing hotel revenue
provision of food and beverages can also improve the image of the hotel
those in the community.
 Here is F&B organization chart:


The main functions of the Human Resources Department
is to provide employees who are competent and
professionally oriented to customer satisfaction

  Main tasks of the Human Resources Department are:
a. perform the process of hiring
b. conduct employee training
c. creating a quality assurance system
d. system creates a mutation, promotion and demotion
e. fostering administrative staffing
f. foster payroll systems, incentives and fringe benefits
 Here is human Resources Department Organazation Chart:


The main function of accounting is to record, store
the entire hotel and financial transaction data processing of transaction data
finance to produce financial information. in accounting
financial information is better known as the report
finance. Data is a collection of facts that do not have meaning
while information is data that has been processed so that it can
information especially useful for users to perform functions
planning, control and business decision-making.

Accounting also has authority over the hotel cash, salaries of employees, and shall provide financial reports every month and every
year.All revenue from the Front Office, Housekeeping, F & B, Store Room, Sales & Marketting all deposited to the administration to be managed again as income the hotel.
Here is Accounting Department organization chart:

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011


Nama: Sandy
Jurusan: Hotel Management
NIM: 2011145002

What is a Strategic Plan?
Entrepreneurs and business managers are often so preoccupied with immediate issues that they lose sight of their ultimate objectives. That's why a business review or preparation of a strategic plan is a virtual necessity. This may not be a recipe for success, but without it a business is much more likely to fail. A sound plan should:
  • Serve as a framework for decisions or for securing support/approval.
  • Provide a basis for more detailed planning.
  • Explain the business to others in order to inform, motivate & involve.
  • Assist benchmarking & performance monitoring.
  • Stimulate change and become building block for next plan.
For inspiration (and a few smiles), have a look at some of the quotations and examples of bad advice included in other pages!
A strategic plan should not be confused with a business plan. The former is likely to be a (very) short document whereas a business plan is usually a much more substantial and detailed document. A strategic plan can provide the foundation and frame work for a business plan. For more information about business plans, refer to How to Write a Business Plan, Insights into Business Planning and Free-Plan: Business Plan Guide & Template.
A strategic plan is not the same thing as an operational plan. The former should be visionary, conceptual and directional in contrast to an operational plan which is likely to be shorter term, tactical, focused, implementable and measurable. As an example, compare the process of planning a vacation (where, when, duration, budget, who goes, how travel are all strategic issues) with the final preparations (tasks, deadlines, funding, weather, packing, transport and so on are all operational matters).
Basic Approach to Strategic Planning
A critical review of past performance by the owners and management of a business and the preparation of a plan beyond normal budgetary horizons require a certain attitude of mind and predisposition. Some essential points which should to be observed during the review and planning process include the following:
§  Relate to the medium term i.e. 2/4 years
§  Be undertaken by owners/directors
§  Focus on matters of strategic importance
§  Be separated from day-to-day work
§  Be realistic, detached and critical
§  Distinguish between cause and effect
§  Be reviewed periodically
§  Be written down.
  • As the precursor to developing a strategic plan, it is desirable to clearly identify the current status, objectives and strategies of an existing business or the latest thinking in respect of a new venture. Correctly defined, these can be used as the basis for a critical examination to probe existing or perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities. This then leads to strategy development covering the following issues discussed in more detail below:
·         Vision
·         Mission
·         Values
·         Objectives
·         Strategies
·         Goals
·         Programs 

What is operational planning?

Well-implemented strategic planning provides the vision, direction and goals for the organization, but operational planning translates that strategy into the everyday execution tactics of the business that will ultimately produce the outcomes defined by the strategy. Simply stated, operational planning is the conversion of strategic goals into managed execution.

The critical role operational planning plays in strategy execution

Corporate strategy can be thought of as a message packet that must be passed through the organization, understood by all and acted upon in orchestration.  If the message is garbled, ambiguous or not communicated well, the intent will be lost in translation and operational execution will become misaligned with the corporate strategic goals.
Superior operational planning requires proactive and innovative thinking to enact strategy within the operational layer of the business.  Operational planning must produce the plan outcomes while managing constraints on time, money and resources.
We make strategies deliver on their promises.  Method Frameworks offers our clients an approach to operational planning that breaks down strategic goals into well-estimated, fully planned and realistically resourced programs, initiatives and projects that can be tracked across all P&L structures and at all levels of the organization.  In short, our operational plans yield detailed execution tactics for strategy implementation, complete with clear-cut clear accountability - planned for execution down to the the task level and including time lines and tools for measuring performance on all strategic objectives - any time.
How we approach operational planning
Working side-by-side with our clients, we bring action and accountability into planning. 
  • Our proprietary Plan4SM process looks at the organization's ecosystem as a whole, understanding and accounting for the interdependency existing between the many initiatives in play supporting the enterprise strategic plan. 
  • Our operational plans convert the enterprise strategy into major program groupings that support execution of strategic goals. 
  • These programs are further planned at the initiative level across the business, resulting in detailed execution road maps that are well-aligned with the corporate strategy and produce the desired plan outcomes through engineered accountability, measurability and governance. 
  • Our approach identifies and plans for potential roadblocks that might otherwise impede operational execution. 
The Method Frameworks operational planning approach plans across and down through all layers of the organization, "fitting" the strategic goals and priorities into well-defined operational initiatives that can be managed, measured and delivered within the business segments. That includes understanding that different sub-cultures exist across the organization and can impact the effectiveness of communication and coordination among divisions and departments. 
Our Plan process accounts for those distinctions during planning, bringing all facets of the organization's hierarchy into consideration. Since execution is a day-to-day battle, our Plan4 process effectively allows organizations to meet new challenges and take advantage of opportunities through our adaptable and responsive approach.

Plan4: A planning process that builds sustainable advantages

Plan4 is a business strategic planning and execution governance process that involves an integrated set of actions designed to help companies gain sustainable advantage. Our competitive analysis leverages industry information on the top 10,000 industries, covering more than 95% of the $57 trillion global economy.  Plan4 is comprehensive, adaptable and effective in guiding organizations through strategy formulation, defining strategic goals in support of strategy (key outcomes) and in linking strategy to operational execution across and throughout the enterprise. 

What Method Frameworks and Plan4 can do for your organization

Method Frameworks, using our Plan4 process, lead our clients through an effective and sensible approach to strategic planning that is centered around creating customer value-driven outcomes.  Our process maps out and leverages your business ecosystem as a framework to allow for visualization and understanding of the entire enterprise.  This unique approach leads to well defined strategy, strategic goals that support all aspects of the strategy and well-planned operational tactics along with plan governance to make sure we deliver plan goal results together.
Plan4 was developed through years of leveraging the most effective approaches in strategic planning industry best practices.  Our innovations in developing Plan4 have led to a truly unique and powerful process to get organizations the planning results they have strived to achieve for years on their own.  Our consulting approach with Plan4 can be introduced in whole or in parts and still dramatically improve strategic outcomes.


Most planning efforts fail to deliver the intended results

  • The Harvard Business Review estimates the ROI from traditional planning approaches to be 34% or less.  
  • The Economist Intelligence Unit estimates that organizations realize just 60% of the potential value of their strategies.  
  • Even more startling are statistics from analysts like Kaplan and Norton that suggested that 90% of organizations fail to successfully implement their strategies.
Why does this happen? The reasons vary, but the most common are:
  • Poor prioritization
  • Lack of detail planning to support plan goal achievement
  • Poor communication and coordination
  • Strategy and culture misalignment
  • Accountability missing from plan goals
  • Poor planning governance
  • Ill-defined strategic goals
  • More art than science in the planning approach
  • Failure to define the "real" outcomes in a concise set of statements
  • Variability in the plan caused by language
  • Failure to define and execute initiatives successfully based on the plan

Don’t become a statistic in the wrong category

We are proud of the results we have accomplished for our clients and will not let them fail to successfully implement their strategies.  Our results are outstanding because we have a culture that is passionate about serving our clients by putting their needs ahead of our own.  Our engagement model provides repeatability and predictability in achieving successful outcomes.  Likewise, our Plan4 strategic planning process is second to none.